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Administrative Committees


Finance Committee

The ministry of the committee is to nurture the financial vitality of the congregation by thinking missionally about budgeting and fundraising as well as engaging in financial best practices and cultivating transparency in all matters about money. 2018 Chair: Lisa Kipp 


Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)

In their continuing efforts to connect the pastor, staff, and congregation, the SPRC conducts evaluations of the pastor and staff, maintains a connection with the district superintendent, and (when necessary) leads the hiring process for new staff members. 2018 Chair: Kim Dreibelbis



More than just a "fix it" team, the Trustees manage all the physical resources of the congregation including the church property (including the parsonage and the Cedar Springs Road pavilion) and administer all bequeaths and endowments. 2018 Chair: Travis Holler


Ministries Groups


Missions Committee

This group of dedicated individuals organizes opportunities for the congregation to share God's transforming love with the world. Upcoming events include collecting personal care items as bingo prizes for nursing home residents, coordinating a Rise Against Hunger event, staffing a blood drive, recruiting volunteers to help at the local food pantry, and bringing joy to underprivileged children at Christmas time. 2018 Chair: Rich Burkholder


Nurture Committee

This committee helps encourage members of our faith community to remain connected to the local body of Christ. Whether delivering baskets and bags to folks who could use some extra TLC at Thanksgiving, checking in with those who have missed worship successive weeks in a row, or sponsoring the ice cream truck at our annual church picnic, these dedicated individuals help us all stick together. 2018 Chair: Carolyn Lyter


Congregational Care

When a member of our church community becomes ill or has a crisis, the Congregational Care Ministry is there to offer a helping hand. Participants visit and/or telephone our members who are in the hospital, in nursing home or rehab facilities, or homebound - offering devotional resources, a brief visit, and prayer.


We rely on referrals from others to know who would benefit from this ministry. If you, or someone you know, would benefit from congregational care, please complete a request form and return it to the church office or contact our Congregational Care Coordinator Mary DeLancey by phone (717.250.1523) or by email.


Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry provides confidential emotional and spiritual care to those who are faced with crises and difficulties. During life's struggles and hardships, Stephen Ministers are trained to walk beside those individuals who are dealing with the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, hospitalization, divorce, loneliness or discouragement, and many more of life's challenges. To learn more, click here


If you, or someone you know, would benefit from being matched up with a Stephen Minister, please contact coordinator Kim Dreibelbis by phone (717.436.9724).


Prayer Chain

There is power in prayer, and we know that the power of prayer is exponentially greater when people pray collectively. Participants are contacted by their choice of either telephone or email about prayer concerns throughout the week and asked to keep the people and their situations before God.

  • If you would like to join the prayer chain, contact Mary Sanders (717.436.2069 or by email.

  • To request prayer, contact either Barb Dysinger (717.436.9271) or Marie Watkins (717.436.6491).

  • Please secure permission from the individual or family before submitting a prayer request.


Kitchen Committee

Some define love and caring through food. Whether someone needs a meal delivered after a life event or we are planning for a time of fellowship, these folks will see it through. 2018 Chair: Barb Dysinger


Other Ministries


ESL Class

English as a Second Language classes are held at Aldersgate every Thursday evening between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in partnership with the Mifflin-Juniata Literacy Program. The program is open to anyone in the community who wishes to improve their English. Free child care is provided. Coordinator: Brenda Lotz


Release Time

The local Release Time program, which provides off-campus religious education to students in the public schools, meets at Aldersgate twice a week during the school year. Students learn about God and feel God's loving presence through the service of volunteer teachers and helpers.


UMC Market

UMC Market is a donation program through the United Methodist General Council on Finane and Administration that makes it possible to earn money for Aldersgate from retailers whenever you shop online through their Easy Give Button app. For more information and to sign up for free, visit UMC Market.

Release Time
Prayer Chain
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