Sunday Mornings
Contemporary Worship
8:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday School
9:00 a.m.
Faith Matters (adults)
Topical Bible studies that focus on how we can best live day-by-day.
Wesley Fellowship (adults)
We focus on understanding the meaning and authority of the Bible for Christian living. We stand in the shadow of those who started this class over 60 years ago.
Zoom Chit Chat
9:30 a.m.
Those who are travelling or joining from their homes for worship are welcome to join Zoom a little early. We chat about our week, families, Thursday night dinner, and get to fellowship before the service begins.
9:55 a.m.
We gather together as a group of ordinary people - many who have been part of Aldersgate for years and others who are new to our community - to worship God.
The music here is comprised of hymns rich in the history (some more recent than others) and forms of worship that may be more familiar and comfortable. If not, there's never any need for concern as the order of worship is clearly outlined in the bulletin as well as displayed on the big screen.
You may enter as a guest, but you will soon find yourself part of the family.
We're just a bunch of ordinary people who live regular lives: going to work or school, trying to make the paycheck outlast the bills, and living the best lives we can. If you recognize yourself in that description, you may be an ordinary person, too.
But when we come together as the church, we celebrate an extraordinary God. During the contemporary worship service that means singing the songs we hear on the radio, dressing comfortably, being loved for who we are, and knowing that God is working on transforming us through the Holy Spirit to be who we are called to be.
Kingdom Kids (Children)
Kids sing and worship together in the congregation at the beginning of worship with a kid's song and special childrens' message. Then it is time for the Kingdom Kids class. This is definitely not like "normal" school. Here we learn to love the Bible through stories, music, games, crafts, and so much more!​
All of our volunteers who work with children and youth are Safe Sanctuary certified. For more information, click here.
A Note to Our First-Time Visitors
When you come to Aldersgate, you are among ordinary people - just like yourself. Whether you've been going to church all your life or you've never darkened the door of a church before, the first visit can be intimidating.
Parking is available behind the church (accessible by turning into the alley from Orange Street) or in the municipal lot across from the church at the corner of N. Third and Orange Streets.
The main entrance to the worship center is the large, white double doors facing N. Third Street. This entrance is wheelchair accessible. Other entrances can be found from the parking lot (near Orange Street) and along the north side of the building.
Greeters are located inside the main entrance to welcome you and to answer any questions. There is a small handout about upcoming programs and activities. Please consider yourself welcome to attend any and all. If you have any questions, call the church office (717.436.6750), check out our FaceBook page (aumcmifflintown), or find the information on our Programs & Events page.
Sit wherever you like. We do not have assigned pews. And if you do happen to sit in someone's "normal" spot, they will find a different place to sit this week.
The time before and after worship is an opportunity for fellowship. Please introduce yourself and let us know it's your first time. If we're not wearing a name tag, ask us our name. And tell us yours. We want to get to know you.
Children are welcome in worship. We have busy bags located near the greeters with quiet toys and activities to keep them occupied. There are additional toys located in the back corner for their amusement. God made kids full of noise and wiggles, and we celebrate your children's presence with us. So if you need to get up and walk with them during the service, go for it. If they talk out loud, there's a good chance someone else will join in the conversation. And the pastor has preached more than once with a little "escapee" on her hip. So don't be embarrassed. They're going through a phase, and you don't want to miss a moment of it.
There is a nursery located near the sanctuary. Feel free to ask the greeters for directions.
During the services, there is a time for the Passing of the Peace. The congregation is invited to stand and welcome one another with the "passing of the peace," which here traditionally means a handshake (or hug) and a "good morning."
Children of all ages are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary for the children's message offered during the worship service at 8:30 a.m. Elementary-aged children who will be participating in Kingdom Kids class will be dismissed following the children's message. Please feel free to follow the others along with your child so you can talk to the teacher and feel confident knowing where and with whom your children are going to be for the next hour.
While giving is an important part of how we demonstrate our gratefulness to God for the blessings we have received, we do not expect you to participate in the offering as our guest. If you choose to become a regular part of our community, you are encouraged to give as an expression of your faithfulness to God and have the opportunity to contribute via e-giving.
Communion is typically offered the first Sunday of each month. Most frequently it is taken by intinction
(in 'tiNG SHen): upon the invitation of the pastor, the people move to the altar, accept a piece of bread (the body of Christ), and then dip it into the grape juice before eating. You are also welcome to take a moment to pray at the altar rail before resuming your seat. On those same Sundays, a love offering envelope is included in the bulletin for those who wish to make a donation to a charitable ministry beyond the church's regular mission. -
If there is a 5th Sunday in the month, the adult Sunday school classes gather in the Chapel Room (adjacent to the sanctuary) for coffee, food, and fellowship during the time following the worship service. This is a great opportunity to get to know people and is open to everyone.
Whether you are single or married or single again, with or without children, singing from the top of the mountain or feeling down as deep as a valley - no matter who you are or what you have done - you are welcome here. We hope you will come to experience the love, grace, and mercy of our extraordinary God with ordinary people like ourselves.